Antoine Saint Maur aka Santoz is helping PHI centre with his project 'in studio with Arthur H'.
Twelve cameras are shooting non stop Arthur H and his friends (Patrick Watson, François Lafontaine, Mishka Stein, Robbie Kuster, Mathieu Parisien and Jean Massicotte) recording their new music record. Using hidden cameras and microphones we were capturing everything to create a web live stream of what was happening in the studio.
Watching those guys work was so interesting. They are so talented and inspired.
It was a new kind of live TV reality where content is interesting and meaning-fulll.
As the VJ of the team I was taking care of the on-the-fly editing and live visual effects.
The recording sessions lasted for 5 days. Priceless moments.
here are some small edited video files to give you a glimpse of what happened there: